
We have been helping organizations in the aerospace industry including manufacturing and airline carriers make their workplaces safer and more comfortable for over 25 years.
The aerospace industry tends to be fastidious about their work environment. Their workspaces are organized, efficient and specialized. From manufacture to assembly to testing, each area must allow the employees to have complete oversight and safe and easy access to tools and equipment.
Hoses as Trip Hazards
Tiles are constructed with special channels underneath to allow cords and hoses to be run safely out of the way of foot and cart traffic.
Edges as Trip Hazards
Beveled edges are placed along any sides of matting sections where foot or cart traffic comes on or off. The height of the mat is no longer a trip hazard, plus our edges won’t curl or tear.
Welding Stations
All our products are class 1 fire resistant so that welding sparks and metal can drop safely on the mats and extinguish without damage.
5S and 6S Programs
Colored tiles can be used to organize work spaces and adhere to 5S and 6S programs.
In areas of the manufacture line where lubricants are used, we recommend AG1 and AG2 tiles which are covered with the top grit surface available on the market today. Slip tests show a resistance of 1.54 with ASTM D1894.