Response Anti-Fatigue
Safe-Flex Has the Industry's Best Rated Anti-Fatigue Tiles
Provides excellent ergonomic and anti-fatigue support
Excellent for dry areas such as assembly lines, inspection stations, and machining areas
Configures easily to work environments
Standard lug connection system allows mixing of tile types
Easy to clean and maintain

Safe-Flex™ are the Industry's Best Rated Anti-Fatigue Tiles
Provides excellent ergonomic and anti-fatigue support
Excellent for areas such as assembly lines, inspection stations, and machining areas
Configures easily to work environments
Standard lug connection system allows mixing of tile types
Easy to clean and maintain
If you’ve ever worked at a packing table or on an assembly line, you know how tired your feet and legs get. Standing or working for long periods of time causes a pooling of the blood and body fluids in the lower extremity resulting in edema, fatigue, tired feet, sore arches, knee pains, circulation problems, varicose veins etc. Safe-Flex anti-fatigue floor mats help reduce leg and back strain, allowing greater productivity and alertness.
Not all mats are created equal though. There are many mat brands that do not understand human biomechanics and provide soft squishy mats that may seem comfortable at first but ultimately can exacerbate many problems including musculoskeletal disorders and trip hazards. Soft squishy mats, beside being excellent harbingers of bacteria and mold, bottom out when someone stands on them and the compressed spot then has absolutely no support or comfort at all. It may be an example of getting what you paid for.
But not always, there are plenty of very expensive mats that are made of rubber and have been produced with the illusion of comfort but no actual science to back them up. We tell the story often of walking on the beach. Everyone starts by walking on the warm dry deep sandy part and soon finds that that is tough going, so you find yourself moving down towards the water where the sand is moist and packed down and walking is much much easier. Our mats are like that sand with firm consistent support instead of an uneven deep path.
Which brings us to the other hazard of mats that compress, those dips are now trip hazards. Another drawback to soft rubber is that over time spots will lose their flexibility and stay compressed. Walking across a bumpy surface like that is treacherous to say the least, we see sprained ankles and falls resulting from the use of these older rubber mats. They also tend to move around on the floor and rip and tear, all of which can contribute to pain and fatigue for employees who stand on and move around on the mats.
Safe-Flex anti-fatigue tiles have the strength, the ergonomic structure and the stability to ensure an anti-fatigue floor like no other. We have been improving comfort for many of the top Fortune 500 manufacturing, food and bev, pharmaceutical and distribution organizations in North America for over 25 years.