Case Study

We first met an pharmaceutical EHS professional on LinkedIn who was helping manage the Health and Safety department for a large Ontario-based company. His facility had a few
areas in need of a better matting alternative and before long, a Safe-Flex Floor System was officially introduced to improve work spaces.
Nearly a year later, this same professional is in the Health and Safety department of one of Canada’s largest grocers. Before the 400+ employees took to the floor of a new state-of-the-art distribution facility, he wanted to ensure a safe and supportive matting system that he wouldn’t need to add to his shopping list every year. Given his previous experience, choosing Safe-Flex was a clear choice.
“Attention to health, safety and wellness is more important than ever. In business, your employees are your greatest asset, and there are many ways to protect those assets. Better, safer matting is definitely one of them.”
Though it’s a highly automated operation, there was to be a lot of employees on-site, so we spent a few hours measuring and remeasuring to ensure health and safety concerns were best managed.
• Our Health and Safety professional friend is happy with the quality of outcome.
• An investment in health and safety made sense to the grocer.
• Safe-Flex was simply the best choice and offered the best return on that investment.
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