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Massive Warehouse Makes the Matting Switch

Case Study


A large distribution warehouse knew they needed anti-fatigue matting for their employees who spent many hours on their feet picking orders and often complained of knee pain, foot

pain, etc. They were replacing Diamond foot mats once a year, and taping curling edges and rips down as the mats wore down quickly. It also made the floor look messy. This was an

expensive, time consuming situation that left a lot to be desired.

“We love the ease of installation and lack of maintenance, now we are planning on adding Safe-Flex matting to other areas as well.”


A Safe-Flex Floor System was configured to fit the spaces exactly and edge tiles were added for on and off ease of cart and foot traffic.

  • This reduced trip hazards as the entire aisle became one continuous elevation.

  • Taping tasks were eliminated, giving time back to the employees to pick orders instead.

  • The total cost of ownership is a fraction of the expense of replacing worn out mats every year.

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